The Icom IC-705 antenna tuner cable is non-standard, but standard in a normal consumer way. All the existing cables on the market for the older radio use a weird proprietary interface to the radios.
The IC-705 uses a simple headphone cable! Thankfully! Sadly, this makes it hard to find a tuner, but it turns out there are options! They are just not documented, till now!
My use case is a little different than that of most other Hams so I ended up going with a bit more expensive option, but if you are on a budget you can save yourself $230 on this transaction and buy a killer antenna or the like!
The Icom IC-705 is really a slick 10W QRP radio, but I see it as a great entry point into HF and UHF portable radio. I personally use mine as a base station radio doing NVIS EMCOMM along with Digital Modes like FT8 and WSPR.
I have purchased two Chameleon Halfwave End Fed antennas. My primary mobile is the LEFS 8010 Sloper; thankfully this does not need a tuner. For my base station setup, I have another Chameleon Antenna, the EMCOMM III v2 which does 160 through 10 and definitely requires a tuner.
The need for an antenna really stumped me, because the options for the IC-705 seemed really limited until I figured out an undocumented secret from LDG. Most of their antennas support tuning over a standard TRS plug (yep a double-ended headphone cable connected to the IC-705 and your LDG tuner will work!).
The standard offerings from Icom, Elecraft, MAT-Tuner and the like were either too QRP (only supporting up to 10 to 30W) or were not portable enough (no batteries) or were just too expensive for my budget!
In the table below, I highlighted in red my issues with each of the tuners and how they compare to my chosen tuner, the LDG Z-11-Pro-II which so far has been pretty fantastic! The tuner offers great performance, lots of stored memories (for fast tuning) long-lasting battery support (up to a year or so) and 125W at a sane price of $184.95 (at the time of this article being penned).
The 125W power support allows me to keep my options open for a future more “base” radio like an IC7300 or something similar.
Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments below and I hope to hear you on the HF waves! 73 W7PDJ – Phil
I went through and captured by requirements for an antenna tuner for the IC-705. I have future plans to purchase a 100W HF radio, so most of the QRP tuners are out, but I still wanted to be able to go into the wild and use my radio. Also, I didn't want to have any custom cabling so I prefer tuners that are TRS compatible.
These are additional tuners from LDG that will likely work with the Icom IC-705, but they were way out of my price range or power requirements. I list them here because I confirmed that they all have the TRS tuning cable supported by the IC-705 so in theory, they will work.
- LDG Z100A
This article and review was originally posted by W7PDJ. View the original article at this link...